Watch the official trailer of an upcoming bollywood film ‘Daddy Cool MundeFool‘ directed by Simerjit Singh and produced by Speed Records. The starcast of the movie are Amrinder Gill,Harish verma, Yuvika Chaudhary, Jaswinder Bhalla, Amar Noori, Rana Ranbir and Upashan Singh in a lead roles. The music given by Dr. Zeus.
This movie will released on 11th april 2013.
Trailer Details
Movie-: Daddy Cool Munde Fool
Stars-: Amrinder Gill,Harish Verma,Yuvika Chaudhary,Jaswinder Bhalla,Amar Noori, Rana Ranbir and Upashan Singh
Director-: Simerjit Singh
Producer-: Speed Records
Music director-: Dr Zeus
Story & Screnply-: Amber